Sales Policies

COMMITMENT: We strive to constantly supply quality products at everyday low prices. Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority.

PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE: If you find an identical or similar product at a competitor's store, email us a copy of the ad and we'll happily match their price. Items that are shown as out of stock do not qualify. We cannot honor free shipping offers given by others. Price matched items cannot be combined with other promotions.

HASSLE FREE RETURNS: Don't like what you received? We'll happily offer you a return or exchange based on your preference. Simply ship the item back to us using your preferred carrier and we'll offer you a full refund upon receipt. If the reason was in our error, we'll cover the shipping cost of the item to and from you. A restocking fee of 15% applies to returns that are not in its original condition.

SHIPPING & HANDLING: We ship worldwide including the continental U.S. states, Alaska, Hawaii, Armed Forces, U.S. Virgin Islands and International Destinations. Most items are shipped by UPS or USPS. We reserve the right to select the best shipping carrier in terms of cost, speed and reliability. For customers with shipping accounts, please inform us when ordering. Certain specified large or heavy items such as massage tables and herbal processing machines are charged by actual weight through a trucking company. Items shipped within the state of California are subject to sales tax. It takes normally 5 business days for merchandise to get to the east coast; 1-2 days to the west coast and 3-4 days to the other areas. Expedited services are available at purchaser’s own option and expense. Please allow 3-5 days for express international delivery; and 7-10 days for priority delivery. It is important that you enter your address correctly, and double check it carefully.

PRICING: All prices are in US dollars. Prices on our catalog and website are subject to change. Due to free shipping and other promotional offers, product pricing is non-transferrable.

ORDERING: Most orders are shipped on the same day if received before 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time or the following business day. Back orders will be shipped as soon as available. Please notify us if you want to cancel your back orders.

PAYMENT: We accept payments by credit card, money order, certified check, PayPal, wire transfer and Letter of Credit.

WARRANTY: UPC Medical Supplies, Inc. provides most products sold on or with a 1 year limited warranty. This warranty does not cover damages from water, mishandling, inadequate use, dropping or alterations. Please check with us for details on individual products.

DAMAGES & LOSS CLAIM: Please contact us in case of any damage or loss of merchandise at the time of delivery. Please do not discard the original box(es) from any damaged or loss shipment. Meanwhile file your claim with UPS or to other common carriers.

MODIFICATION: Prices and items may change without prior notice. Some items may appear slightly different from the pictures shown online.